Tuesday, April 7, 2009

THE TAYLOR TRUST Now Reading for Summer, Fall & Winter Issues

The Taylor Trust: Poetry & Prose, a new print publication with an online support component, is now reading for the summer, fall, and winter issues.

Guidelines available via www.thetaylortrust.wordpress.com

LaVonne Taylor

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Prose: We will consider for publication all subject matter, except excessive profanity or blatantly pornographic material (the determination of which will be made at the discretion of the editorial staff). Word count for fiction or essays can run as long as 2,000 words or be as short as 100 words (“flash fiction”) as long as the story is well written, makes sense, and contains a denouement.

Poetry: All styles considered. All subject matter will be taken under consideration for publication except that containing excessive profanity or pornography (the determination of which will be made at the discretion of the editorial staff).

Spring 2009 issue – January 31
Summer 2009 issue – April 30
Fall 2009 issue – July 31
Winter 2009 issue – October 31

You will find a template attached to this document. Each time you are preparing to submit a manuscript to the lead editors, copy and paste at the beginning of your document, then fill in the information specific to each manuscript you submit. Keep this template on your desktop for use with each and every manuscript you work on.


Important: All manuscripts must be typed, hand-written submissions will not be considered for publication.

Font: Time New Roman

Point Size: 12

Line Spacing: Double

Line Length: 6 inches

Margins: Left 1 inch Right 1 1/2 inches Top 1 inch Bottom 1 inch

Heads, Subheads, Decks, Breakheads And Run-In Heads (if there are any):
Boldface for easier readability.

Paragraph Indents: Always 1/8 inch on ruler at the top of the document; use the “first line indent” feature rather than a tab or space bar.

Charts & Tables: Always turn off tabs and indents within a chart or table.

Style Manual: Chicago Manual of Style (CMS).

Dictionary: Merriam-Webster Collegiate (m-w.com).

Heads: Follow capitalization rules for compositions as shown in CMS.

Run-in Subheads (if there are any):
For one sentence, end without a period regardless if complete or incomplete sentence. If two sentences, please add a period to end the final sentence.

Bylines: Dr. XXX, Ph.D., (Ph.D. between commas after name). No commas in between names and Jr. or Sr.

Sentences: One space between period and beginning of next sentence. Use series commas per CMS.

Reprints: Previously published manuscripts will be considered. The primary rule being that there is an elapsed time of at least a year following the first appearance of the work in a nationally distributed publication and that the author currently holds publication rights to the work. Local and regional publications will be exempt from the year’s gap rule.

Address submissions to: The Taylor Trust: Poetry & Prose
Attn: LaVonne Taylor
P.O. Box 903456
Palmdale, CA 93550-3456

Or send them in body of email to: lavonne.taylor@sbcglobal.net
Subject line: Manuscript submission

Subscription rates: $24.00 per year; $45.00 for two years

Mail subscriptions to the above address or go to www.thetaylortrust.wordpress.com and click on the subscription link in the sidebar, which will take you to PayPal.


Instructions: Copy this template and attach it to the top of your manuscript. For digital submissions, it must appear as the first page of your manuscript.

Author Name: ____________________________________________________________

Author Address: __________________________________________________________

City: ______________________________________ State: _________Zip: ___________

Title of manuscript: _______________________________________________________

Manuscript Type: Underline One Fiction Nonfiction Poetry

Submitted for inclusion in which issue? Underline One Spring Summer Fall Winter

One-time-only publication rights for print journal with concurrent one-time-only rights for publication on web log www.thetaylortrust.wordpress.com. The author retains all North American rights.

Author signs & dates below:

Author Signature: ____________________________________________ Date: _______

Note: For digital submissions, electronic signatures are accepted.

Reprinted from http://thetaylortrust.wordpress.com/writers-guidelines/

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