Tuesday, April 7, 2009

MET 11, Spring 2009 & Call for Summer 2009

MET 11, Spring 2009, has been published in print and digital editions. The print edition and the PDF ebook are on sale now. The HTML version is posted online at www.modernenglishtanka.com. This new issue includes 65 poets and is very full with wonderful new tanka, articles, and reviews. Check it out now!

Call for Submissions
Modern English Tanka
Issue Vol. 3, No. 4. Summer 2009

You are invited to submit tanka for the Summer 2009 issue of Modern English Tanka. The submission deadline is May 15, 2009. Submissions will NOT close earlier than the deadline.

Modern English Tanka is a quarterly journal—a print literary journal, a PDF ebook, and a digital online magazine—dedicated to publishing and promoting fine English tanka (including tanka written in cinquain and cinqku set forms). We are interested in both traditional and innovative verse of high quality and in all serious attempts to assimilate the best of the Japanese waka/tanka genres into a continuously developing English short verse tradition. In addition to verse, we publish articles, essays, book notes & reviews, interviews, letters to the editor, etc., related to tanka.

MET specializes in single tanka but tanka in sets and sequences will be considered as well. Collaborative tanka sequences are generally not wanted but may be considered. The five-line criterion is generally definitive for tanka. MET will consider variant forms on an individual basis (like everything else!). Serious poetry and adult themes are appreciated. Doggerel and anything that is pornographic or in any way nasty, hateful, bigoted, or partisan political, will not be accepted. All such judgments will be made at the sole discretion of the editor.

Previously unpublished work, not on offer elsewhere, is solicited.

Modern English Tanka, Baltimore, Maryland USA. Website: www.modernenglishtanka.com
Editor: Denis M. Garrison. Contributing Editor: Michael McClintock. Email up to 40 tanka, or email articles, reviews, essays, letters to the editor, etc., to the Editor at SUBMISSIONS at MODERNENGLISHTANKA dot COM. Before submitting, please read the detailed submission guidelines on the website at http://www.modernenglishtankapress.com/metsubmit.html. Modern English Tanka looks for top quality tanka in natural, modern English idiom. No payment for publication. No contributor copies. Publishes a print edition (6" x 9" trade paperback) plus a PDF ebook and an online HTML digital edition.

Thank you for sharing this call widely.

Editors, Modern English Tanka

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